Riding the Wasatch Crest Trail at sunrise is by far one of my favorite mountain bike rides. It doesn’t get any better than experiencing a sunrise in the mountains and on a ride. Today was likely the best ride on the Crest Trail I’ve ever had. We got some rain overnight across the Wasatch Front and it made for absolutely epic conditions… HERO dirt!

It’s a bit of a drag to drag my ass out of bed at 4:30 am to drive across the valley and jump on the 5:30 am shuttle, but every time it’s 100% worth it. Arrived to the top right at about 6am, waited for the boys on the second shuttle and we were headed off on the trail by 6:15. It was actually a bit chilly as we set off on the trail, but it wasn’t cool enough for a vest or jacket – I didn’t even bring a vest or jacket so didn’t matter anyway.
We hit the top of Puke Hill and took a quick breather to take in the view. Beautiful! What a gorgeous morning out here. AFTER Puke Hill is when it starts to feel “worth it” to get up at 4:30am lol.

Just look at that dirt… perfectly tacky and grippy. No dust! The Wasatch Crest Trail is always super dusty, so it’s nice once in a while to have a dust free ride.

Speedy Spencer ridin’ high on the Spine.

Looking down into Park City from the bottom if the Spine. Purty!

The colors were really poppin! This is always one of my favorite views on the Wasatch Crest Trail.

If you haven’t ridden the Wasatch Crest Trail at sunrise, get your ass out of bed and do it. You’ll be happy you did! You’ll get to ride your bike before work, enjoy cooler weather and have some epic sunrise views.